Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wyoming 2010

First snow on the foothills. Looking from the back yard of Laurie and Dave's place.

Snow coming in with a frost front.

Wyatt getting on the bus for 1hr bus ride to school.

Wind mill farms

Beautiful state capitol building with a gold dome

A herd of sheep being tending by a dog.

Artist painting the Capitol

Statue of Ms. Morris Burton in Legislation passed the 1st rights for women in the world.

Buffalo Statue outside of the capitol building

The Wrangler jean manufacturer ...Cowboy jeans.

Union Pacific railroad station in Cheyenne. Now a Museum.

Cowboy boot symbol out front of the train station

Train coming in from Laramie.

A long train coming from Laramie over the high pass.

The Union Pacific rail yard in Cheyenne

A handmade model of "Big Boy" a 4 8 8 4 steam engine train with tender.

Neighbor next door has his own wind generator and awesome hills beyond

Hay in,,,Stuff out. Hi Laurie and Dave

The reason that he is called socks.

Anyone that knows horses, knows that the eyes and ears say it all.

"Socks" the new kid in town


Medal winner in his soccer team

Grand Son Wyatt wrong dates on these

Nice calm day in Wyoming

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