Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving time in Wyoming

Family totally stuffed after Thanksgiving dinner.

David, Laurie and me with Wyatt in front

Grandson Wyatt Day

The Day Family Thanksgiving Dinner
Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberries,
green bean casserole, squash, corn bread,
rolls and butter. much, but good.

David working on Deviled Eggs....Yummy

Laurie getting the turkey ready for roasting.

Steam locomotive
in Chelsea Michigan

Big Boy on display near Lincoln Way

Big Boy steam engine 4884

The pause that refreshes. Not open for tour today.
Too bad.

The Budweiser Plant new Ft. Collins

Denver or Greeley....the Denver exit is closed

A visit of Greeley Colorado


Windmills on the hill for electricity

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