Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sum up the visit to Portugal

If one word could sum up a visit to Portugal, it would be romance. Because wherever you stay in the country, you’ll be sure to enjoy a truly romantic stay.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The church on the sea

Church on the sea in Miramar.
Over 500 years old.
Build on the rocks and not the sand was definately the theme of this church.
This church is located on the beach with the Atlantic behind.

Tile pictures

Courtyard of the tile church

I never got bored of seeing such beautiful courtyards and grounds.
Everything was well manacured and cleaned.
Scenes like this makes the USA seem so cluttered and dirty.
Notice the type of granite block in the drive way.
Alot of sidewalks as well as roadways in the cities use these.

Ceramic tile church

This an example of the ceramic tiles that used to be in earlier construction.
The tiles are used on the outside as well as on the inside to make beautiful pictures.
Notice the tall palms on either side of the church.
This church is located in Esmoriz.
Notice the twin clocks in the towers.
The statues on the face look almost dimensional.
Left click the image to make it bigger.

Another church

Main Cathredal in Porto

A beautiful example of a Catholic Church in Portugal
I found many churches that were more beautiful and also unique.

Sight-seeing train in Porto

The sight-seeing train in Porto was very interesting.
The driver came by to ask what languages we understood.
Every place along the tour the information was prompted in my language.
That made the tour more interesting an easy.

Wine House in Porto

An interesting visit to one of the best wine houses in Porto.
There wines were excellent.
It was the first time that I tasted a red wine that I truely loved.
Pity that it is so expensinve here.
Their white dry wine was delicious.

Cathedral in Espinho

(20kms South of Porto)
A very good example of Portuguese architecture that I saw through out the country.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

South Haven

South Haven